Meaning of EXTERMINATE in English


Pronunciation: ik- ' st ə r-m ə - ˌ n ā t

Function: transitive verb

Inflected Form: -nat · ed ; -nat · ing

Etymology: Latin exterminatus, past participle of exterminare, from ex- + terminus boundary ― more at TERM

Date: 1591

: to get rid of completely usually by killing off < exterminate termites and cockroaches>

– ex · ter · mi · na · tion \ - ˌ st ə r-m ə - ' n ā -sh ə n \ noun

– ex · ter · mi · na · tor \ - ' st ə r-m ə - ˌ n ā -t ə r \ noun

synonyms EXTERMINATE , EXTIRPATE , ERADICATE , UPROOT mean to effect the destruction or abolition of something. EXTERMINATE implies complete and immediate extinction by killing off all individuals < exterminate cockroaches>. EXTIRPATE implies extinction of a race, family, species, or sometimes an idea or doctrine by destruction or removal of its means of propagation <many species have been extirpated from the area>. ERADICATE implies the driving out or elimination of something that has established itself <a campaign to eradicate illiteracy>. UPROOT implies a forcible or violent removal and stresses displacement or dislodgment rather than immediate destruction <the war uprooted thousands>.

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.