Meaning of FETCH in English


Pronunciation: ' fech

Function: verb

Etymology: Middle English fecchen, from Old English fetian, feccan; perhaps akin to Old English f ō t foot ― more at FOOT

Date: before 12th century

transitive verb

1 a : to go or come after and bring or take back < fetch a doctor> b : DERIVE , DEDUCE

2 a : to cause to come b : to bring in (as a price) : REALIZE c : INTEREST , ATTRACT

3 a : to give (a blow) by striking : DEAL b chiefly dialect : BRING ABOUT , ACCOMPLISH c (1) : to take in (as a breath) : DRAW (2) : to bring forth (as a sound) : HEAVE < fetch a sigh>

4 a : to reach by sailing especially against the wind or tide b : to arrive at : REACH

intransitive verb

1 : to get and bring something specifically : to retrieve killed game

2 : to take a roundabout way : CIRCLE

3 a : to hold a course on a body of water b : VEER

– fetch · er noun

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.