Pronunciation: ' fra-j ə l, - ˌ j ī (- ə )l
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle French, from Latin fragilis ― more at FRAIL
Date: 1521
1 a : easily broken or destroyed <a fragile vase> b : constitutionally delicate : lacking in vigor <a fragile child>
2 : TENUOUS , SLIGHT < fragile hope>
– fra · gil · i · ty \ fr ə - ' ji-l ə -t ē \ noun
synonyms FRAGILE , FRANGIBLE , BRITTLE , CRISP , FRIABLE mean breaking easily. FRAGILE implies extreme delicacy of material or construction and need for careful handling <a fragile antique chair>. FRANGIBLE implies susceptibility to being broken without implying weakness or delicacy < frangible stone used for paving>. BRITTLE implies hardness together with lack of elasticity or flexibility or toughness < brittle bones>. CRISP implies a firmness and brittleness desirable especially in some foods < crisp lettuce>. FRIABLE applies to substances that are easily crumbled or pulverized < friable soil>. synonym see in addition WEAK