Pronunciation: ' j ē n-y ə l, ' j ē -n ē - ə l
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin genialis, from genius
Date: 1566
1 obsolete : of or relating to marriage or generation <the genial bed ― John Milton>
2 obsolete : INBORN , NATIVE
3 a : favorable to growth or comfort : MILD < genial sunshine> b : marked by or diffusing sympathy or friendliness <your genial host>
4 : displaying or marked by genius
synonyms see GRACIOUS
– ge · nial · i · ty \ ˌ j ē -n ē - ' a-l ə -t ē , j ē n- ' yal- \ noun
– ge · nial · ly \ ' j ē n-y ə -l ē \ adverb