Pronunciation: ' häs-t ə l, - ˌ t ī (- ə )l
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle French or Latin; Middle French, from Latin hostilis, from hostis
Date: 1580
1 a : of or relating to an enemy < hostile fire> b : marked by malevolence <a hostile act> c : openly opposed or resisting <a hostile critic> < hostile to new ideas> d (1) : not hospitable <plants growing in a hostile environment> (2) : having an intimidating, antagonistic, or offensive nature <a hostile workplace>
2 a : of or relating to the opposing party in a legal controversy <a hostile witness> b : adverse to the interests of a property owner or corporation management <a hostile takeover>
– hostile noun
– hos · tile · ly \ -t ə l-(l) ē , - ˌ t ī (- ə )l-l ē \ adverb