Meaning of HYDRA in English


Pronunciation: ' h ī -dr ə

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English Ydra, from Latin Hydra, from Greek

Date: 15th century

1 : a many-headed serpent or monster in Greek mythology that was slain by Hercules and each head of which when cut off was replaced by two others

2 not capitalized : a multifarious evil not to be overcome by a single effort

3 [Latin (gen. Hydrae ), from Greek] : a southern constellation of great length that lies south of Cancer, Sextans, Corvus, and Virgo and is represented on old maps by a serpent

4 not capitalized [ New Latin, from Latin, Hydra] : any of numerous small tubular freshwater hydrozoan polyps ( Hydra and related genera) having at one end a mouth surrounded by tentacles

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