Pronunciation: ˌ ig-no ̇ - ˌ rän-t ē -ä- ' yu ̇ r-is- ' n ā -mi- ˌ nem-eks- ' kü- ˌ sät
Variant: or ignorantia le · gis neminem excusat \ - ' l ā -gis- \
Function: foreign term
Etymology: L
: ignorance of the law excuses no one
Pronunciation: ˌ ig-no ̇ - ˌ rän-t ē -ä- ' yu ̇ r-is- ' n ā -mi- ˌ nem-eks- ' kü- ˌ sät
Variant: or ignorantia le · gis neminem excusat \ - ' l ā -gis- \
Function: foreign term
Etymology: L
: ignorance of the law excuses no one
Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary. Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка. 2012