Meaning of INDIVIDUALIZE in English


Pronunciation: - ' vij-w ə - ˌ l ī z, - ' vi-j ə -w ə -, - ' vi-j ə - ˌ l ī z

Function: transitive verb

Inflected Form: -ized ; -iz · ing

Date: 1637

1 : to make individual in character

2 : to treat or notice individually : PARTICULARIZE

3 : to adapt to the needs or special circumstances of an individual < individualize teaching according to student ability>

– in · di · vid · u · al · i · za · tion \ - ˌ vij-w ə -l ə - ' z ā -sh ə n, - ˌ vi-j ə -w ə -, - ˌ vi-j ə -l ə - \ noun

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