Meaning of INNATE in English


Pronunciation: i- ' n ā t, ' i- ˌ

Function: adjective

Etymology: Middle English innat, from Latin innatus, past participle of innasci to be born in, from in- + nasci to be born ― more at NATION

Date: 15th century

1 : existing in, belonging to, or determined by factors present in an individual from birth : NATIVE , INBORN < innate behavior>

2 : belonging to the essential nature of something : INHERENT

3 : originating in or derived from the mind or the constitution of the intellect rather than from experience

– in · nate · ly adverb

– in · nate · ness noun

synonyms INNATE , INBORN , INBRED , CONGENITAL , HEREDITARY mean not acquired after birth. INNATE applies to qualities or characteristics that are part of one's inner essential nature <an innate sense of fair play>. INBORN suggests a quality or tendency either actually present at birth or so marked and deep-seated as to seem so <her inborn love of nature>. INBRED suggests something either acquired from parents by heredity or so deeply rooted and ingrained as to seem acquired in that way < inbred political loyalties>. CONGENITAL and HEREDITARY refer to what is acquired before or at birth, the former to things acquired during fetal development and the latter to things transmitted from one's ancestors <a congenital heart murmur> <eye color is hereditary >.

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.