Meaning of INSUFFLATION in English


Pronunciation: ˌ in(t)-s ə - ' fl ā -sh ə n, in- ˌ s ə - ' fl ā -

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English insufflacion, from Late Latin insufflation-, insufflatio, from insufflare to blow upon, from Latin in- + sufflare to inflate, from sub- + flare to blow ― more at BLOW

Date: 15th century

: an act or the action of blowing on, into, or in: as a : a Christian ceremonial rite of exorcism performed by breathing on a person b : the act of blowing something (as a gas, powder, or vapor) into a body cavity

– in · suf · flate \ ' in(t)-s ə - ˌ fl ā t, in- ' s ə - ˌ fl ā t \ transitive verb

– in · suf · fla · tor \ - ˌ fl ā -t ə r \ noun

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