Pronunciation: in- ' tal-( ˌ )y ō , - ' täl-; - ' ta-gl ē - ˌ ō , - ' tä-
Function: noun
Inflected Form: plural -glios
Etymology: Italian, from intagliare to engrave, cut, from Medieval Latin intaliare, from Latin in- + Late Latin taliare to cut ― more at TAILOR
Date: 1644
1 a : an engraving or incised figure in stone or other hard material depressed below the surface so that an impression from the design yields an image in relief b : the art or process of executing intaglios c : printing (as in die stamping and gravure) done from a plate in which the image is sunk below the surface
2 : something (as a gem) carved in intaglio
intaglio 1a