Meaning of LIVID in English


Pronunciation: ' li-v ə d

Function: adjective

Etymology: French livide, from Latin lividus, from liv ē re to be blue; akin to W lliw color and probably to Russian sliva plum

Date: 1622

1 : discolored by bruising : BLACK-AND-BLUE <the livid traces of the sharp scourges ― Abraham Cowley>

2 : ASHEN , PALLID <this cross, thy livid face, thy pierced hands and feet ― Walt Whitman>

3 : REDDISH <a fan of gladiolas blushed livid under the electric letters ― Truman Capote>

4 : very angry : ENRAGED <was livid at his son's disobedience>

– li · vid · i · ty \ li- ' vi-d ə -t ē \ noun

– liv · id · ness \ ' li-v ə d-n ə s \ noun

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.