Pronunciation: - ' ō -d ə -r ə s
Function: adjective
Date: 1850
1 : having a bad odor
2 : highly improper < malodorous practices and chicanery in high financial places ― New Republic >
– mal · odor · ous · ly adverb
– mal · odor · ous · ness noun
synonyms MALODOROUS , STINKING , FETID , NOISOME , PUTRID , RANK , FUSTY , MUSTY mean bad-smelling. MALODOROUS may range from the unpleasant to the strongly offensive < malodorous fertilizers>. STINKING and FETID suggest the foul or disgusting <prisoners were held in stinking cells> <the fetid odor of skunk cabbage>. NOISOME adds a suggestion of being harmful or unwholesome as well as offensive <a stagnant, noisome sewer>. PUTRID implies particularly the sickening odor of decaying organic matter <the putrid smell of rotting fish>. RANK suggests a strong unpleasant smell < rank cigar smoke>. FUSTY and MUSTY suggest lack of fresh air and sunlight, FUSTY also implying prolonged uncleanliness, MUSTY stressing the effects of dampness, mildew, or age <a fusty attic> <the musty odor of a damp cellar>.