Pronunciation: ' ma-siv
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English massiffe, from Anglo-French mascif, alteration of massiz, from Vulgar Latin *massicius, from Latin massa mass
Date: 15th century
1 : forming or consisting of a large mass: a : BULKY b : WEIGHTY , HEAVY < massive walls> <a massive volume> c : impressively large or ponderous d : having no regular form but not necessarily lacking crystalline structure < massive sandstone>
2 a : large, solid, or heavy in structure < massive jaw> b : large in scope or degree <the feeling of frustration, of being ineffectual, is massive ― David Halberstam> c (1) : large in comparison to what is typical <a massive dose of penicillin> (2) : being extensive and severe < massive hemorrhage> < massive collapse of a lung> (3) : imposing in excellence or grandeur : MONUMENTAL < massive simplicity>
3 : having mass <a massive boson>
– mas · sive · ly adverb
– mas · sive · ness noun