Pronunciation: mak- ' si-l ə
Function: noun
Inflected Form: plural max · il · lae \ - ' si-( ˌ )l ē , - ˌ l ī \ or maxillas
Etymology: Latin, diminutive of mala jaw
Date: 1676
1 a : JAW 1A b (1) : an upper jaw especially of humans and other mammals in which the bony elements are closely fused (2) : either of the two bones that lie with one on each side of the upper jaw lateral to the premaxilla and that in higher vertebrates bear most of the teeth
2 : one of the first or second pair of mouthparts posterior to the mandibles in many arthropods (as insects or crustaceans)
– max · il · lary \ ' mak-s ə - ˌ ler- ē , chiefly Brit mak- ' si-l ə -r ē \ adjective or noun