Pronunciation: - ˌ t ē - ˌ li-z ə m, - ˌ t ī -, -t ə -
Function: noun
Date: 1838
1 : the theory or practice of mercantile pursuits : COMMERCIALISM
2 : an economic system developing during the decay of feudalism to unify and increase the power and especially the monetary wealth of a nation by a strict governmental regulation of the entire national economy usually through policies designed to secure an accumulation of bullion, a favorable balance of trade, the development of agriculture and manufactures, and the establishment of foreign trading monopolies
– mer · can · til · ist \ -list \ noun or adjective
– mer · can · til · is · tic \ ˌ m ə r-k ə n- ˌ t ē - ' lis-tik, - ˌ t ī -, -t ə - \ adjective