Meaning of MODULATE in English


Pronunciation: ' mä-j ə - ˌ l ā t

Function: verb

Inflected Form: -lat · ed ; -lat · ing

Etymology: Latin modulatus, past participle of modulari to play, singular, from modulus small measure, rhythm, diminutive of modus measure ― more at METE

Date: 1615

transitive verb

1 : to tune to a key or pitch

2 : to adjust to or keep in proper measure or proportion : TEMPER

3 : to vary the amplitude, frequency, or phase of (a carrier wave or a light wave) for the transmission of information (as by radio) also : to vary the velocity of electrons in an electron beam

intransitive verb

1 : to play or sing with modulation

2 : to pass from one musical key into another by means of intermediary chords or notes that have some relation to both keys

3 : to pass gradually from one state to another

– mod · u · la · tor \ - ˌ l ā -t ə r \ noun

– mod · u · la · to · ry \ -l ə - ˌ t ō r- ē , - ˌ to ̇ r- \ adjective

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