Meaning of MOIRE in English


Pronunciation: mo ̇ - ' r ā , mwä-

Variant: or moire \ same or ' mo ̇ i(- ə )r, ' mo ̇ r, ' mwär \

Function: noun

Etymology: French moiré, from moiré like moire, from moire

Date: 1818

1 a : an irregular wavy finish on a fabric b : a ripple pattern on a stamp

2 : a fabric having a wavy watered appearance

3 : an independent usually shimmering pattern seen when two geometrically regular patterns (as two sets of parallel lines or two halftone screens) are superimposed especially at an acute angle

– moiré or moire adjective

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.