Meaning of MONUMENT in English


Pronunciation: ' män-y ə -m ə nt

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin monumentum, literally, memorial, from mon ē re to remind ― more at MIND

Date: 13th century

1 obsolete : a burial vault : SEPULCHRE

2 : a written legal document or record : TREATISE

3 a (1) : a lasting evidence, reminder, or example of someone or something notable or great (2) : a distinguished person b : a memorial stone or a building erected in remembrance of a person or event

4 archaic : an identifying mark : EVIDENCE also : PORTENT , SIGN

5 obsolete : a carved statue : EFFIGY

6 : a boundary or position marker (as a stone)


8 : a written tribute

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