Meaning of OREGON in English


Pronunciation: ' o ̇ r-i-g ə n, ' är-, chiefly by outsiders - ˌ gän

Function: geographical name

1 the Columbia River ― an early name used especially prior to discovery of mouth & renaming of river (1792) by Capt. Robert Gray

2 state NW U.S. capital Salem area 97,073 sq mi (251,419 sq km ), pop 3,421,399

– Or · e · go · nian \ ˌ o ̇ r-i- ' g ō -n ē - ə n, ˌ är-, -ny ə n \ adjective or noun

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.