Meaning of PALESTINE in English


Pronunciation: ' pa-l ə - ˌ st ī n

Variant: or L Pal · aes · ti · na \ ˌ pa-l ə - ' st ē -n ə , - ' st ī - \

Function: geographical name

1 ancient region SW Asia bordering on E coast of the Mediterranean & extending E of Jordan River

2 region bordering on the Mediterranean on W & Dead Sea on E; a part of the Ottoman Empire 1516-1917, a Brit. mandate 1923-48; now approx. coextensive with Israel and the West Bank

– Pal · es · tin · ian \ ˌ pa-l ə - ' sti-n ē - ə n, -ny ə n \ adjective or noun

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.