Pronunciation: p ə - ' pi-l ə
Function: noun
Inflected Form: plural pa · pil · lae \ - ' pi-( ˌ )l ē , - ˌ l ī \
Etymology: Latin, nipple, from diminutive of papula pimple; akin to Lithuanian papas nipple
Date: 1713
: a small projecting body part similar to a nipple in form: a : a vascular process of connective tissue extending into and nourishing the root of a hair, feather, or developing tooth ― see HAIR illustration b : any of the vascular protuberances of the dermal layer of the skin extending into the epidermal layer and often containing tactile corpuscles c : any of the small protuberances on the upper surface of the tongue often containing taste buds
– pap · il · lary \ ' pa-p ə - ˌ ler- ē , esp Brit p ə - ' pi-l ə -r ē \ adjective
– pa · pil · late \ ' pa-p ə - ˌ l ā t, p ə - ' pi-l ə t \ adjective
– pa · pil · lose \ ' pa-p ə - ˌ l ō s, p ə - ' pi- ˌ l ō s \ adjective