Meaning of PARADISE in English


Pronunciation: ' per- ə - ˌ d ī s, - ˌ d ī z, ' pa-r ə -

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English paradis, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin paradisus, from Greek paradeisos, literally, enclosed park, of Iranian origin; akin to Avestan pairi-da ē za- enclosure; akin to Greek peri around and to Greek teichos wall ― more at PERI- , DOUGH

Date: 12th century

1 a : EDEN 2 b : an intermediate place or state where the souls of the righteous await resurrection and the final judgment c : HEAVEN

2 : a place or state of bliss, felicity, or delight

– par · a · dis · ial \ ˌ per- ə - ' di-s ē - ə l, -z ē -, ˌ pa-r ə - \ also par · a · dis · i · cal \ -si-k ə l, -zi- \ adjective

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