Pronunciation: ' peg
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English pegge, probably from Middle Dutch
Date: 15th century
1 a : a small usually cylindrical pointed or tapered piece (as of wood) used to pin down or fasten things or to fit into or close holes : PIN , PLUG b British : CLOTHESPIN c : a predetermined level at which something (as a price) is fixed
2 a : a projecting piece used as a support or boundary marker b : something (as a fact or issue) used as a support, pretext, or reason <a news peg for the story>
3 a : one of the movable wooden pegs set in the head of a stringed instrument (as a violin) that are turned to regulate the pitch of the strings ― see VIOLIN illustration b : a step or degree especially in estimation
4 : a pointed prong or claw for catching or tearing
5 British : DRINK <poured himself out a stiff peg ― Dorothy Sayers>
6 : something (as a leg) resembling a peg
7 : THROW especially : a hard throw in baseball made in an attempt to put out a base runner