Pronunciation: ' pe-n ə - ˌ tr ā t
Function: verb
Inflected Form: -trat · ed ; -trat · ing
Etymology: Latin penetratus, past participle of penetrare, from penitus deep within, far; akin to Latin penus provisions
Date: circa 1530
transitive verb
1 a : to pass into or through b : to enter by overcoming resistance : PIERCE c : to gain entrance to
2 a : to see into or through b : to discover the inner contents or meaning of
3 : to affect profoundly with feeling
4 : to diffuse through or into
intransitive verb
1 a : to pass, extend, pierce, or diffuse into or through something b : to pierce something with the eye or mind
2 : to affect deeply the senses or feelings
synonyms see ENTER