Meaning of PERCEPTIBLE in English


Pronunciation: p ə r- ' sep-t ə -b ə l

Function: adjective

Date: 1567

: capable of being perceived especially by the senses <a perceptible change in her tone> <a barely perceptible light>

– per · cep · ti · bil · i · ty \ - ˌ sep-t ə - ' bi-l ə -t ē \ noun

– per · cep · ti · bly \ -bl ē \ adverb

synonyms PERCEPTIBLE , SENSIBLE , PALPABLE , TANGIBLE , APPRECIABLE , PONDERABLE mean apprehensible as real or existent. PERCEPTIBLE applies to what can be discerned by the senses often to a minimal extent <a perceptible difference in sound to a careful listener>. SENSIBLE applies to whatever is clearly apprehended through the senses or impresses itself strongly on the mind <an abrupt, sensible drop in temperature>. PALPABLE applies either to what has physical substance or to what is obvious and unmistakable <the tension in the air was almost palpable >. TANGIBLE suggests what is capable of being handled or grasped both physically and mentally <no tangible evidence of UFOs>. APPRECIABLE applies to what is distinctly discernible by the senses or definitely measurable <an appreciable increase in income>. PONDERABLE suggests having definitely measurable weight or importance <exerted a ponderable influence on world events>.

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.