Meaning of PIEDMONT in English


Pronunciation: ' p ē d- ˌ mänt

Function: geographical name

1 upland region E U.S. lying E of the Appalachian Mountains bet. SE N.Y. & cen Ala.

2 or Italian Pie · mon · te \ py ā - ' m ō n-( ˌ )t ā \ region NW Italy bordering on France & Switzerland W of Lombardy capital Turin pop 4,357,559

– Pied · mon · tese \ ˌ p ē d-m ə n- ' t ē z, -( ˌ )män-, - ' t ē s \ adjective or noun

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.