Meaning of PLENTY in English


Function: adverb

Date: 1842

: more than sufficiently : to a considerable degree <the nights were plenty cold ― F. B. Gipson>

usage Many handbooks advise avoiding the adverb plenty in writing; “ use very, quite, or a more precise word, ” they advise. Actually plenty is often a more precise word than its recommended replacements; very, fully, or quite will not work as well in these typical quotations <it's already plenty hot for us in the kitchen without some dolt opening the oven ― C. H. Bridges> <may not be rising quite as rapidly as other health costs, but it is going up plenty fast ― Changing Times >. It is not used in more formal writing.

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.