Function: transitive verb
Date: 14th century
1 a : to cut off or cut short the hair or wool of : CROP , SHEAR b : to cut off or cut short (as wool)
2 a : to cut off or back the top of (as a tree) specifically : POLLARD b : to cut off or cut short the horns of (cattle)
3 a : to receive and record the votes of b : to request each member of to declare a vote individually < poll the assembly>
4 : to receive (as votes) in an election
5 : to question or canvass in a poll
6 : to test (as several computer terminals sharing a single line) in sequence for messages to be transmitted
intransitive verb : to cast one's vote at a poll
– poll · ee \ p ō - ' l ē \ noun
– poll · er \ ' p ō -l ə r \ noun