Pronunciation: ' pän-d ə r
Function: verb
Inflected Form: pon · dered ; pon · der · ing \ -d( ə -)ri ŋ \
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French ponderer, from Latin ponderare to weigh, ponder, from ponder-, pondus weight ― more at PENDANT
Date: 14th century
transitive verb
1 : to weigh in the mind : APPRAISE < ponder ed their chances of success>
2 : to think about : reflect on < ponder ed the events of the day>
intransitive verb : to think or consider especially quietly, soberly, and deeply
– pon · der · er \ -d ə r- ə r \ noun
synonyms PONDER , MEDITATE , MUSE , RUMINATE mean to consider or examine attentively or deliberately. PONDER implies a careful weighing of a problem or, often, prolonged inconclusive thinking about a matter < pondered the course of action>. MEDITATE implies a definite focusing of one's thoughts on something so as to understand it deeply < meditated on the meaning of life>. MUSE suggests a more or less focused daydreaming as in remembrance < mused upon childhood joys>. RUMINATE implies going over the same matter in one's thoughts again and again but suggests little of either purposive thinking or rapt absorption < ruminated on past disappointments>.