Pronunciation: r ī - ' näs-r ə s, r ə -, - ' nä-s ə -
Function: noun
Inflected Form: plural -noc · er · os · es also -noc · er · os or -noc · eri \ - ' nä-s ə - ˌ r ī \
Etymology: Middle English rinoceros, from Anglo-French, from Latin rhinocerot-, rhinoceros, from Greek rhinoker ō t-, rhinoker ō s, from rhin- + keras horn ― more at HORN
Date: 14th century
: any of a family (Rhinocerotidae) of large heavyset herbivorous perissodactyl mammals of Africa and Asia that have one or two upright keratinous horns on the snout and thick gray to brown skin with little hair