Meaning of SADOMASOCHISM in English


Pronunciation: ˌ s ā -( ˌ )d ō - ' ma-s ə - ˌ ki-z ə m, ˌ sa-, - ' ma-z ə -

Function: noun

Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary sad ism + -o- + masochism

Date: 1922

: the derivation of pleasure from the infliction of physical or mental pain either on others or on oneself

– sa · do · mas · och · ist \ -kist \ noun or adjective

– sa · do · mas · och · is · tic \ - ˌ ma-s ə - ' kis-tik, - ˌ ma-z ə - \ adjective

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.