Function: intransitive verb
Date: 14th century
: to show contempt by derisive acts or language < scoff ed at the idea>
transitive verb : to treat or address with derision : MOCK
– scoff · er noun
synonyms SCOFF , JEER , GIBE , FLEER , SNEER , FLOUT mean to show one's contempt in derision or mockery. SCOFF stresses insolence, disrespect, or incredulity as motivating the derision < scoffed at their concerns>. JEER suggests a coarser more undiscriminating derision <the crowd jeered at the prisoners>. GIBE implies taunting either good-naturedly or in sarcastic derision <hooted and gibed at the umpire>. FLEER suggests grinning or grimacing derisively <the saucy jackanapes fleered at my credulity>. SNEER stresses insulting by contemptuous facial expression, phrasing, or tone of voice < sneered at anything romantic>. FLOUT stresses contempt shown by refusal to heed < flouted the conventions of polite society>.