Meaning of SCOOP in English


Pronunciation: ' sküp

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English scope, from Middle Dutch schope; akin to Old High German skepfen to shape ― more at SHAPE

Date: 14th century

1 a : a large ladle b : a deep shovel or similar implement for digging, dipping, or shoveling c : a usually hemispherical utensil for dipping food d : a small spoon-shaped utensil or instrument for cutting or gouging

2 a : the action of scooping b : the amount contained by a scoop

3 a : a hollow place : CAVITY b : a part forming or surrounding an opening for channeling a fluid (as air) into a desired path

4 a : information especially of immediate interest b : BEAT 5B

5 : a rounded and usually low-cut neckline on a woman's garment ― called also scoop neck

– scoop · ful \ - ˌ fu ̇ l \ noun

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