Meaning of SEQUESTER in English


Pronunciation: si- ' kwes-t ə r

Function: transitive verb

Inflected Form: -tered ; -ter · ing \ -t( ə -)ri ŋ \

Etymology: Middle English sequestren, from Anglo-French sequestrer, from Latin sequestrare to hand over to a trustee, from sequester third party to whom disputed property is entrusted, agent, from secus beside, otherwise; akin to Latin sequi to follow

Date: 14th century

1 a : to set apart : SEGREGATE < sequester a jury> b : SECLUDE , WITHDRAW <widely spaced homes are forbiddingly grand and sequester ed ― Don Asher>

2 a : to seize especially by a writ of sequestration b : to place (property) in custody especially in sequestration

3 : to hold (as a metallic ion) in solution usually by inclusion in an appropriate coordination complex

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