Meaning of SHORTEN in English


Pronunciation: ' sho ̇ r-t ə n

Function: verb

Inflected Form: short · ened ; short · en · ing \ ' sho ̇ rt-ni ŋ , ' sho ̇ r-t ə n-i ŋ \

Date: 14th century

transitive verb

1 a : to reduce the length or duration of b : to cause to seem short

2 a : to reduce in power or efficiency <is my hand shorten ed, that it cannot redeem ― Isa 50:2(RSV)> b obsolete : to deprive of effect

3 : to add fat to (as pastry dough) in order to make tender and flaky

intransitive verb : to become short or shorter

– short · en · er \ ' sho ̇ rt-n ə r, ' sho ̇ r-t ə n- ə r \ noun

synonyms SHORTEN , CURTAIL , ABBREVIATE , ABRIDGE , RETRENCH mean to reduce in extent. SHORTEN implies reduction in length or duration < shorten a speech>. CURTAIL adds an implication of cutting that in some way deprives of completeness or adequacy <ceremonies curtailed because of rain>. ABBREVIATE implies a making shorter usually by omitting some part <using an abbreviated title>. ABRIDGE implies a reduction in compass or scope with retention of essential elements and a relative completeness in the result <the abridged version of the novel>. RETRENCH suggests a reduction in extent or costs of something felt to be excessive <declining business forced the company to retrench >.

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.