Pronunciation: ' shrüd, esp Southern ' srüd
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English shrewed, from shrewe + 1 -ed
Date: 13th century
1 archaic : MISCHIEVOUS
2 obsolete : ABUSIVE , SHREWISH
3 obsolete : OMINOUS , DANGEROUS
4 a : SEVERE , HARD <a shrewd knock> b : SHARP , PIERCING <a shrewd wind>
5 a : marked by clever discerning awareness and hardheaded acumen < shrewd common sense> b : given to wily and artful ways or dealing <a shrewd operator>
– shrewd · ly adverb
– shrewd · ness noun
synonyms SHREWD , SAGACIOUS , PERSPICACIOUS , ASTUTE mean acute in perception and sound in judgment. SHREWD stresses practical, hardheaded cleverness and judgment <a shrewd judge of character>. SAGACIOUS suggests wisdom, penetration, and farsightedness < sagacious investors got in on the ground floor>. PERSPICACIOUS implies unusual power to see through and understand what is puzzling or hidden <a perspicacious counselor saw through the child's facade>. ASTUTE suggests shrewdness, perspicacity, and diplomatic skill <an astute player of party politics>.