Pronunciation: ' swin-d ə l
Function: verb
Inflected Form: swin · dled ; swin · dling \ ' swin(d)-li ŋ , ' swin-d ə l-i ŋ \
Etymology: back-formation from swindler, from German Schwindler giddy person, from schwindeln to be dizzy, from Old High German swintil ō n, frequentative of swintan to diminish, vanish; akin to Old English swindan to vanish
Date: circa 1782
intransitive verb : to obtain money or property by fraud or deceit
transitive verb : to take money or property from by fraud or deceit
synonyms see CHEAT
– swin · dler \ ' swin(d)-l ə r, ' swin-d ə l- ə r \ noun