Meaning of SYNDICATE in English

Pronunciation: ' sin-d ə - ˌ k ā t

Function: verb

Inflected Form: -cat · ed ; -cat · ing

Date: 1882

transitive verb

1 : to subject to or manage as a syndicate

2 a : to sell (as a cartoon) to a syndicate or for publication in many newspapers or periodicals at once also : to sell the work of (as a writer) in this way <a syndicated columnist> b : to sell (as a series of television programs) directly to local stations

intransitive verb : to unite to form a syndicate

– syn · di · ca · tion \ ˌ sin-d ə - ' k ā -sh ə n \ noun

– syn · di · ca · tor \ ' sin-d ə - ˌ k ā -t ə r \ noun

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.