Function: transitive verb
Date: 15th century
1 a : to remove from a place, office, or employment usually in a sudden or unexpected manner b : to get rid of as worthless or unnecessary
2 : to give expression to : UTTER < threw out a remark ⋯ that utterly confounded him ― Jean Stafford>
3 : to dismiss from acceptance or consideration : REJECT <the testimony was thrown out >
4 : to make visible or manifest : DISPLAY <the signal was thrown out for the ⋯ fleet to prepare for action ― Archibald Duncan>
5 : to leave behind : OUTDISTANCE
6 : to give forth from within : EMIT
7 a : to send out b : to cause to project : EXTEND
8 : CONFUSE , DISCONCERT <automobiles in line blocking the road ⋯ threw the whole schedule out ― F. D. Roosevelt>
9 : to cause to stand out : make prominent
10 : to make a throw that enables a teammate to put out (a base runner)
– throw out the baby with the bathwater : to discard or lose something useful or beneficial in the process of discarding or rejecting something unwanted