Meaning of TORCH in English


Pronunciation: ' to ̇ rch

Function: noun

Usage: often attrib

Etymology: Middle English torche, from Anglo-French, from Vulgar Latin *torca, alteration of Latin torqua something twisted, collar of twisted metal, alteration of torques; akin to Latin torqu ē re to twist ― more at TORTURE

Date: 13th century

1 : a burning stick of resinous wood or twist of tow used to give light and usually carried in the hand : FLAMBEAU

2 : something (as tradition, wisdom, or knowledge) likened to a torch as giving light or guidance <pass the torch to the next generation>

3 : any of various portable devices for emitting an unusually hot flame ― compare BLOWTORCH

4 chiefly British : FLASHLIGHT 2


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