Pronunciation: tran(t)s- ' mit, tranz-
Function: verb
Inflected Form: trans · mit · ted ; trans · mit · ting
Etymology: Middle English transmitten, from Latin transmittere, from trans- + mittere to send
Date: 15th century
transitive verb
1 a : to send or convey from one person or place to another : FORWARD b : to cause or allow to spread: as (1) : to convey by or as if by inheritance or heredity : HAND DOWN (2) : to convey (infection) abroad or to another
2 a (1) : to cause (as light or force) to pass or be conveyed through space or a medium (2) : to admit the passage of : CONDUCT <glass transmit s light> b : to send out (a signal) either by radio waves or over a wire
intransitive verb : to send out a signal either by radio waves or over a wire
– trans · mit · ta · ble \ - ' mi-t ə -b ə l \ adjective
– trans · mit · tal \ - ' mi-t ə l \ noun