Meaning of TRAUMA in English


Pronunciation: ' trau ̇ -m ə , ' tro ̇ -

Function: noun

Inflected Form: plural traumas also trau · ma · ta \ -m ə -t ə \

Etymology: Greek traumat-, trauma wound, alteration of tr ō ma; akin to Greek titr ō skein to wound, tetrainein to pierce ― more at THROW

Date: circa 1693

1 a : an injury (as a wound) to living tissue caused by an extrinsic agent b : a disordered psychic or behavioral state resulting from severe mental or emotional stress or physical injury c : an emotional upset <the personal trauma of an executive who is not living up to his own expectations ― Karen W. Arenson>

2 : an agent, force, or mechanism that causes trauma

– trau · mat · ic \ tr ə - ' ma-tik, tro ̇ -, trau ̇ - \ adjective

– trau · mat · i · cal · ly \ -ti-k( ə -)l ē \ adverb

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.