Meaning of TUPI-GUARANI in English

Variant: also Tu · pí-Gua · ra · ní

Pronunciation: tü- ˌ p ē - ˌ gwär- ə - ' n ē , ' tü-( ˌ )p ē -

Function: noun

Date: 1850

1 : TUPI 2

2 : a branch of the Tupi language family that includes Tupinamba, Guarani, and a number of other languages spoken from French Guiana south to Paraguay and west to eastern Colombia

– Tupi-Gua · ra · ni · an \ - ' n ē - ə n \ adjective or noun

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.