Meaning of UNNATURAL in English


Pronunciation: ˌ ə n- ' na-ch ə -r ə l, - ' nach-r ə l

Function: adjective

Date: 14th century

1 : not being in accordance with nature or consistent with a normal course of events

2 a : not being in accordance with normal human feelings or behavior : PERVERSE b : lacking ease and naturalness : CONTRIVED <her manner was forced and unnatural > c : inconsistent with what is reasonable or expected <an unnatural alliance>

synonyms see IRREGULAR

– un · nat · u · ral · ly \ - ' na-ch ə -r ə -l ē , - ' nach-r ə -, - ' na-ch ə r- \ adverb

– un · nat · u · ral · ness \ - ' na-ch ə -r ə l-n ə s, - ' nach-r ə l- \ noun

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.