Meaning of UTILIZE in English


Pronunciation: ' yü-t ə - ˌ l ī z

Function: transitive verb

Inflected Form: -lized ; -liz · ing

Etymology: French utiliser, from utile

Date: 1807

: to make use of : turn to practical use or account <I'm a great person for utilizing waste power ― Robert Frost>

synonyms see USE

– uti · liz · able \ - ˌ l ī -z ə -b ə l \ adjective

– uti · li · za · tion \ ˌ yü-t ə -l ə - ' z ā -sh ə n \ noun

– uti · liz · er \ ' yü-t ə - ˌ l ī -z ə r \ noun

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