Meaning of VACILLATE in English


Pronunciation: ' va-s ə - ˌ l ā t

Function: intransitive verb

Inflected Form: -lat · ed ; -lat · ing

Etymology: Latin vacillatus, past participle of vacillare to sway, waver ― more at WINK

Date: 1597

1 a : to sway through lack of equilibrium b : FLUCTUATE , OSCILLATE

2 : to waver in mind, will, or feeling : hesitate in choice of opinions or courses

synonyms see HESITATE

– vac · il · lat · ing · ly \ - ˌ l ā -ti ŋ -l ē \ adverb

– vac · il · la · tor \ - ˌ l ā -t ə r \ noun

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