Meaning of VAUDEVILLE in English


Pronunciation: ' vo ̇ d-v ə l, ' väd-, ' v ō d-, - ˌ vil; ' vo ̇ -d ə -, ' vä-, ' v ō -

Function: noun

Etymology: French, from Middle French, popular satirical song, alteration of vaudevire, from vau-de-Vire valley of Vire, town in northwest France where such songs were composed

Date: 1827

1 : a light often comic theatrical piece frequently combining pantomime, dialogue, dancing, and song

2 : stage entertainment consisting of various acts (as performing animals, acrobats, comedians, dancers, or singers)

– vaude · vil · lian \ ˌ vo ̇ d- ' vil-y ə n, ˌ väd-, ˌ v ō d-; ˌ vo ̇ -d ə -, ˌ vä-, ˌ v ō - \ noun or adjective

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