Meaning of VESTIBULE in English


Pronunciation: ' ves-t ə - ˌ byül

Function: noun

Etymology: Latin vestibulum forecourt

Date: 1726

1 a : a passage, hall, or room between the outer door and the interior of a building : LOBBY b : an enclosed entrance at the end of a railway passenger car

2 : any of various bodily cavities especially when serving as or resembling an entrance to some other cavity or space: as a : the central cavity of the bony labyrinth of the inner ear or the parts (as the saccule and utricle) of the membranous labyrinth that it contains b : the part of the left ventricle below the aortic orifice c : the space between the labia minora containing the orifice of the urethra d : the part of the mouth cavity outside the teeth and gums

3 : a course that offers access (as to something new)

– ves · ti · buled \ - ˌ byüld \ adjective

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.