Meaning of WHIP in English


Function: noun

Date: 14th century

1 : an instrument consisting usually of a handle and lash forming a flexible rod that is used for whipping

2 : a stroke or cut with or as if with a whip

3 a : a dessert made by whipping a portion of the ingredients <prune whip > b : a kitchen utensil made of braided or coiled wire or perforated metal with a handle and used in whipping

4 : one that handles a whip: as a : a driver of horses : COACHMAN b : WHIPPER-IN 1

5 a : a member of a legislative body appointed by a political party to enforce party discipline and to secure the attendance of party members at important sessions b often capitalized : a notice of forthcoming business sent weekly to each member of a political party in the British House of Commons

6 : a whipping or thrashing motion

7 : the quality of resembling a whip especially in being flexible


– whip · like \ ' hwip- ˌ l ī k, ' wip- \ adjective

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